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One To One Class

I currently teach a diverse segment in my one to one sessions. From individuals to couples to the entire family. My aim as a yoga instructor ( Barnes, London), through these hour long sessions, is to understand the expectations of the individuals on the mat and then make them achievable by tailoring the practice to individual needs. 


For some it’s about weight loss, some want to build their core strength, some are recovering from an old injury and some just need that one hour of solace and peace. 


Yoga is for everyone and there is something of value for each individual. So get in touch if you think yoga can make some difference in your life and we can work  together on finding your balance on the mat. 

See Classes photos:

Alex & Frances Endres

"Sweta has been such an amazing addition to our lives. She has been coming to us for private sessions for my husband and I for 6 months now.

She is so positive and always has a smile on her face. It is an amazing way to start our weekend. She talks to us every week about what we want to work on and how we are feeling. After her sessions, we always feel fantastic. Thank you Sweta!"

Aisha Sheikh

"Yoga has immensely helped me rediscover myself and someone who has wonderfully guided me (and is still) through this amazing journey, is my incredibly talented guru Sweta. The best thing about Sweta is that she understands fully what type of yoga poses will suit your body on a particular day. There are days when she would do lots of power yoga with me, but then there are days, where she understands that my body needs to do lots of stretches and she focuses only on those. These sessions with her are so friendly and relaxing that  you just don't want to stop.

For me yoga is not only about toning, it's more about the one hour I spend talking to myself and I can't thank sweta enough for helping me shape up physically and most importantly showing how I can rediscover myself through this beautiful art of yoga."

Rohan Chopra

"Sweta your yoga lessons have absolutely helped me a lot. I have benefited in my strength, flexibility and have created new boundaries for me. For example before I started doing yoga my wrists were very weak and floppy but now I can hold poses as easy as I can write. Before I did yoga I was about 2 inches away from touching my toes but now I am only 2cm away. Sweta’s yoga lessons haven’t only improved my flexibility and strengths but also taught me how yoga helps in daily life. For example Sweta’s yoga lessons have taught me to be more honest and kind to the things around me and myself. I highly recommend these lessons."

One To One Classes

  • 1 hr

    Price on request
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